


NetEase (NASDAQ: NTES) is a leading internet technology company in China and has been the frontrunner in the industry in developing internet applications, services and other technologies.   NetEase officially established its Online Game Business Division in 2001 and NetEase Games has been ranked in the leading position in online games independent research and development field and is the Top 1 independent research and development competitive online games company in China.   WHY START YOUR CAREER at NetEase GAMES? 1) Over ten years of game independent R&D experience and a huge group of highly skilled professionals. 2) Various projects at NetEase Games, many of which are mobile games. 3) Competitive salary package & Training program.

Work-Types offered: Summer Internship

Industries: Computers

Majors looking for: Automation Science and Electrical Engineering , Engineering Management , computer science , Technology, Innovation and Education , Computer Engineering , Measrement Control and Instrumentation , Economics , Computer Science and Information Technology , Mathematics & Statistics , Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Class Years looking for: 2019 , 2018

Citizenships looking for: Chinese , American , United States , All

Degrees looking for: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Master of Engineering , Master of Science , Ph.D. , Master of Engineering, BA/MA , Master , all



网易 (NASDAQ: NTES)是中国领先的互联网技术公司,在开发互联网应用、服务及其它技术方面,网易始终保持国内业界的领先地位。网易互动娱乐事业群(原在线游戏事业部)2001年,与广大游戏热爱者一同成长15年,是全球领先的游戏开发与发行公司, 目前互娱广州&杭州的成员约6000人. 互娱的工作地点主要在广州和杭州,另外在上海,旧金山,首尔也有多个研发团队。





2016年12月 《阴阳师》荣获App Store2016年度中国区十佳游戏

2016年5月 谷歌公布VR项目合作商 网易游戏成大陆地区独苗

2016年5月 网易游戏正式宣布代理《我的世界》PC版和手机版

2016年1月 《投资者商业日报》评选股票50强,网易超越Facebook位居榜首

2015年6月 梦幻西游2015年6月全球手游收入排名第二