Xi'an Jiaotong Unverisity


Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a key university which is directly administered by the Chinese Education Ministry and is one of the oldest current institutions of higher education in China. The predecessor of XJTU was Nanyang College, which was founded in 1896 in Shanghai and renamed Jiaotong University in 1921.It is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus,composed of 10 branches of learning, namely: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art. XJTU has 29 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, of which 17 are doubled-hired academicians. There are 6 national-level teachers, 57 Changjiang Scholars, 35 Outstanding Young Investigator Award laureates, 20 national experts with outstanding contribution to the country, 41 nation-level candidates of the National Talents Project, and the 21st Century National Talents Project, 19 leaders of the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team.XJTU offers an international environment for work and study, and we sincerely welcome bright minds from all over the world to join us!


Recruitment Requirements

  • Leading Scholars Program

1. Academicians of CAS and CAE, selected candidates of National Thousand Talents Program, Tens of Thousands ofPeople Plan, Changjiang Scholars Program, The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, etc.

2. Professors or other specialists with equivalent academic levelwhowork in famous universities or research institutions at home and abroad

3. Excellent scholars who in charge of national important research tasks and make significant academic achievements

  • Young Talents Support Plan

1. Applicants should have obtained PhD degree and under the age of 40; Outstanding applicants under 45 can be also be considered & recruited

2. Applicants should have outstanding academic achievements in their chosen fields, be prominent among peers and have the potential to become future leaders in relevant areas.

  • New Associate Prof. Recruitment Program

1. Have a doctor degree, and time of studying or working overseas should be over 12 straight months;

2. Working or post-doctoral experience is needed after getting a doctor degree.

3. Have outstanding academic achievements in related fields;

4. Age requirement: for science, engineering, medical background: no more than35; for humanities and social sciences, no more than 40.

  • New Assistant Prof. Recruitment Program

1. Have a doctor degree;

2. Have recognized results in related fields and have the potential to take the lead in the field;

3. Age requirement: for science, engineering, medical background: no more than32; for humanities and social sciences, no more than 35.



We provide an international platform and environment,excellent start-up endowments, enormous working spaces, access tostate-of-the-art facilities, strong administrative support, top student resources, competitive salaries, a one-time relocation allowance, and high-quality educational resources for children.


How to Apply

Please email a CV to our contacts listed below. After reaching agreement, we will have designated staff to help with applying to the different talent programs. Please include basic personal data, contact information, education and work experience, and major academic achievements including publications, research projects, grants, patents, awards and so forth in the CV.


Contact Information

  • Leading Scholars Program

Teacher Xie,   86-29-82668975,   bjxie@xjtu.edu.cn


  • Young Talents Support Plan

Teacher Liu,   86-29-82668975,   lybobo@xjtu.edu.cn


  • New Associate Prof. Recruitment Program

Teacher Wu,   86-29-82668363,   wudongsheng@xjtu.edu.cn


  • New Assistant Prof. Recruitment Program

Teacher Liang,   86-29-82668267,   liangdong@xjtu.edu.cn


http:// www.xjtu.edu.cn