Northwest University


Northwest University (NWU) can trace its origins back to Shaanxi Imperial College and Peking Imperial College in 1902. The University received its current name in 1912, which was designated as one of the national key universities in Xi’an, middle of Guanzhong Plain. NWU has been selected as one of the leading universities sponsored by the national “211 Project”. Currently, NWU is under the joint administration of the Ministry of Education and Shaanxi province.

NWU has 22 schools and departments, plus a graduate school. NWU houses 1 national key laboratory, 1 national research center for engineering & technology, 1 national base for international scientific & technological cooperation,1 national-level research center of international corporation, 7 national experimental teaching demonstration center, 1 national virtual simulation experiment teaching center,7 national bases for talent cultivation, and 1 national base for the cultural quality education of college students,29 provincial key labs, research centers for engineering & technology, and key research bases for the humanities & social sciences.

 During the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the national economic and social development, NWU will further introduce high-level talents, and improve the working conditions of high-level talents. At the same time, We will also increase the matching funds and treatment incentives, so as to attract and bring in more international academic leaders.

Northwest University invites talents to join us sincerely!

Work-Types offered: Full-time, Part-time, Education

Industries: education

Majors looking for: language & literacy , Engineering Management , economics , Physics , Mechanical Engineering , Optical Engineering , math , computer science , Biomedical Engineering , Computer Science , city planning , Chemical Engineering , Life Sciences , Medicine , Life SciencesChemistryPhysical Sciences & Engineering , Mathematics & StatisticsLife SciencesChemistryPhysical Sciences & Engineering , Chemistry , Geography , Computer Science and Information Technology , Mathematics & Statistics , Geology

Class Years looking for: 2006-2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013-2015 , 2016-2018

Citizenships looking for: Chinese

Degrees looking for: Ph.D.