Shaanxi Normal University


Founded in 1944 and located in the world-famous historical city of Xi’an, Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU) is directly administrated by the Ministry of Education of China and is a key university in China’s “211 Project". SNNU is a major base for training teachers and administrators of higher learning institutes and secondary schools as well as other high-level professionals in China, and is known as the “Cradle of Teachers” in Northwest China. During its more than 70-year history in education, the University, while rooted in China’s West, has embraced the whole country, developed a school spirit of “Morality, Learning, Aspiration and Action” and has seen itself become firmly established in Western China as an influential top-tier comprehensive teachers training university, as it strives to achieve the goal of building itself to be a major comprehensive research university distinguished by its teacher education. SNNU has a broad range of academic disciplines in the following areas: Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Mathematics& Statistics, Psychology, Computer Science and Information Technology, Geography, Economics, Education, Environmental Science and Engineering, Business & Management, Communication& Media Studies, Humanities, and Ethnology.

Work-Types offered: Full-time

Industries: education

Majors looking for: language & literacy , Finance , Physics , Materials Science , computer science , Technology, Innovation and Education , Computer Engineering , Chemical Engineering , Mathematics, Life Sciences , Chemistry , Mathematics & Statistics , Economics , Education , Business & Management , Humanities , English , Geology , Human Resource Management, Environmental Management , Biochemistry , history , Psychology

Class Years looking for: Not specified

Citizenships looking for: all

Degrees looking for: Ph.D.