睿思芯科 RiVAI Technologies


about the company

RiVAI Technologies is a high tech startup focus on innovating next generation ultra low power CPU core and highly programmable AI acceleration module, providing core processor and AI chip for AIOT.

RiVAI is founded in Shenzhen in Aug 2018, endorsed by first class VCs like Northern Light, Sinovation, Oriza, etc. The founders hold BS degree from Tsinghua University and PhD from UC Berkeley, with backgrounds in computer instruction set architecture (ISA) and optical system integration. Since its foundation, RiVAI has attracted about 20 Silicon Valley industry veterans and PhDs to join the team and bring together expertise ranging from CPU ISA, SoC design, silicon-photonics and AI algorithm.

RiVAI based on RISC-V open-source instruction set, combined with innovative HW and SW co-design it achieves highly customizable, secure reliable high-performance CPU solutions with independent intellectual property rights.

RISC-V is the next-generation and open source processor ISA created by the computer ISA guru, Berkel ey professor and 2017 Turing Award winner David Patterson. Prof. Patterson is the doctoral advisor of RiVAI founder Zhangxi Tan. He is also RiVAI's technical advisor promoting RISC-V in China.


Company URL: http://www.rivai.ai

Work-Types offered: Full time, Part time, Internship

Class Years looking for: 2020/2021

Citizenships looking for: Chinese

Degrees looking for: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Engineering (MEng)

Industries: Semiconductors, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing, Computer Software, Computer Hardware, Computer Networking, Automotive

Majors looking for: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Interactive telecommunications, Physics